"Let's go to Sunflower Market and get lobster tails for Daddy for dinner tonight."
"NO WAY! I hate monster tails."
Well, that's how the day started on Valentines. Little Lasson showing me over and over why he is one of the three people I love most in this world. Thought I'd share our table setting for the day, unfortunately there are no actual dinner pictures. Got so wrapped up in timing the tails correctly and broiling the fish (Tilapia for the boys, no monster tails wasted), that I forgot to pick up the darn camera. One of these days I'll get the hang of this blogging and have professional grade photos for every step. (Wink, wink).
I will share the link for our dessert, because it was soooo good! And it was amazingly easy. Warn you that just a spoonful or two will do, it's so decadent! Enjoy today or file away for a special anniversary or birthday.